Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What To Wear For Women Swimming At The Gym

flash project! Mage heart he shall be called.

stood so firmly for the first time: an RPG should be. And although a role playing game in which fighting a wizard with spells against monsters.
Raphael had already drawn a few monsters and equipped with attributes. Some equipment (socks, magic wand) he had already devised.

Since I work for a long time with AGS and I accordingly so well versed, I will implement the game with this program. AGS is indeed meant for adventure games, but it leaves enough room for other ideas.

I know of role playing games only on ourselves and actually have only vague ideas about the nature of the various character stats, weapon bonuses and so on. But I think that is because I think of something. Learning by doing has always been my favorite method.

Now it was but once to find a story. Upon reflection, we decided that a powerful mage, was swallowed by a monster that Mage now, and eventually all cut and used magic for themselves. such a strong opponent must be strong of course, our protagonist, such as obtaining a powerful weapon or learn a powerful spell.
We also had the idea to give the monster an emetic to indemnify the magician to get out of the belly of the monster. A rough outline of the
story was created so that also: gain strength brew emetic, monsters and magicians do save.
We collected a few ideas to use magic and we made it to the development of a rapidly metabolizable simple graphics implementation. Of course there will be
2-dimensional backgrounds and environments, I have no idea of 3D and 2D in AGS is easy to implement.

Raphael wants to draw his characters like themselves, to create the backgrounds, however none of us desire.
We decided after some consideration for the environment to use for photographs, in which we need in AGS only Walkable areas and interactive installation details.
had order to spare us the eternal of illustration of animations I like the idea to cut the figures in order to scan the computer and depending on the required posture to be able to put together.

seems to me the battle system turn-based combat best suited for our project.


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