Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Boat The Mississippi

flash project! Third day.

Second Day. (04.09.2007)

Yesterday we began to say with the first drawings of our heart magician (that's the first name

of the hero, while expected name for the game). The sets will get your heart magician (that's the first name of the hero) in the course of the game and gain strength.
And to spice the whole thing I proposed to hide a few bonus items in the game.
Until now I have no value to me Thoughts made.
I just start with a coarse thread of the layout of the story and the intuitive decision-making, the development of character in four stages set up.
be the way today nor is further character graphics and the first background images that I will install this evening in AGS. Moreover
will I start to refine the story and to design first NPCs.


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