Wednesday, September 26, 2007

High Frequency Pimple Treatment

flash project! A major step has been taken.


undertaken after two long nights and stressful scripts Entbuggen today morning I finally managed to show the interactions with the environment visually.

did it I would not have so quickly without my friend Blue Cross, which has saved me from my tangled script.

After the battle system is now ready in the visuals, I'll do it myself now, it must be designed for all rooms. Unfortunately I'm still waiting for Raphael's monster pictures, so I until he sends me, can not complete the whole.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How Old Do You Have A Ski Doo Attawa

flash project! And it still goes on ... and more ...


The past few days I continued working on the combat system. It will be during the fighting also be possible interactions with the environment, to whom I have worked most of the time in addition to the attacks on the monsters.

Raphael leaves with his drawings pretty long in coming and I'll also need a while to get everything finalized. So it will still take a whole week, I fear.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Prom Dresses / Big Poofy Gowns

flash project! Fray.


Today I'm going to write the attacks of every monster. In addition to the boar now make spiked beasts, forest spirits, forest dragons and snakes heart magician's life miserable.
Last night I worked a bit on the story.
The story takes place in four chapters, with each chapter learned a new spell and a new Zauberrobe can be purchased. The ingredients for the emetic have taken a turn normal monsters and sub-bosses, or found in different areas such as forest or desert.

... Evening:

access Meanwhile sting beast, forest spirit, dragon and snake on their own. I have also now all spells with the main preliminary Animations provided.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Worst Sorority Initiation

flash project! It goes on.


After unsuccessfully all day yesterday so spent to provide the magic buttons with common backgrounds, today I have finally found an acceptable solution: I create it in black and white, match the magic symbols.

I also had my "fire" for each spell in addition to the damaging effects of other effects such as his mind (for fire) "freeze" or (for ice) - the only rough times, then I go into more detail.

but I do not really know how I will nevertheless make consistent and meaningful.

(c) Drawings: Raphael Jacob
(c) Photo Backgrounds: Johanna Jacob

The forest pictures have been taken in the savings base Dohna, for the tabernacle of the magician master Reinhold (the old bag in a blue jogging suit ) Raphael has little play house, prepared with nuts Jewellery Kitchen inventory model stood.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Want To Buy Good Car Vac

10th - 16.09.07
In recent days I have not done very much, unfortunately. Am 12.09. I was outside, the last Wallpaper shoot, which I still pasted in AGS.

The remaining days I have mostly been scanned and processed images Raphael Monster for AGS. After two weeks I'm about half finished, but I have not used the time effectively. Without the family activities of the past week, I would possibly be ready.

Stinging Feeling Below Shinn

flash project! Tough progress ...

Yesterday I was dealing all day with the review of the combat values that I earned and converts it into an Excel spreadsheet designed by me with the formulas in the desired results.

Today I started with the implementation of the combat system in AGS and am now so far that heart einspratzelt magician with a brilliant lightning spell on a wild boar and the pig itself in a literal pig gallop in the mage runs.

verdict after a week of work: I have about half of the required background, without an NPC interaction, not yet implemented pieces of the story and added no equipment.

But I have a working battle system still designed for each individual Monsterart and visually pimped something, and in the number of completed spells and balanced be.

Whether I can do all this in a week?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Windowblinds Seven Blog

Remote Debbuging

When you remotely debug an application is, it will be noted that several points must be noted that the goal is reached. Hopefully some useful information I want to share with this: first

Remote debugging means debug to the local Visual Studio is an application running on another machine, typically a server.
second The application code (dll and pdb files) must be identical on both systems.
third On the remote machine the remote debugger, in particular the file msvsmon.exe be present. On the local machine must be available Visual Studio.
4th The local account (under the Visual Studio is running) must have administrator privileges on the remote system, so that Visual Studio can attach it.
5th On the remote system, the remote debugger (msvsmon.exe) under the local account (same as in Visual Studio is running), start (in the context menu Run as Run ...).
6th In Visual Studio has the Tools, Options, Debugging, General option "Enable Just My Code 'to be inactive before the icon to load and Breakepoints can be set.
7th In Visual Studio can now be linked to Debug, Attach to Process the remote process. This transport: Default and qualifier: SERVERNAME select. Now the desired process, select, for example W3wp.exe. If the desired process is not listed, make sure that the application is really running. This call for example, the Web page.
8th Now debug as usual.

Have fun.

Is Okay To Take Xanax With Narrow Angle Glaucoma

http Text File

For a customer I should download from a website ( http://.../mytext.php ) a file and save the text on a server share. And as simple as that. NET 2.0.

/ / Get stream from any Web server over HTTP response object
WebRequest request = (WebRequest) WebRequest.Create (new Uri ("http://.../mytext.php"));
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ();
/ / create reader to read the stream and save it in a string
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (response.GetResponseStream ());
/ / write string to a file
File.WriteAllText (@ "c: / test.txt "reader.ReadToEnd ());
/ / close objects
reader.Close ();
response.Close ();

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Where Does The Cookies Sold Patch Go

flash project! After a week.


Yesterday I worked mainly on the incorporation of the wallpaper, and an elaboration of the combat system, which works with the values of impact, dexterity, reflexes and concentration. However, the system still requires much scrutiny to which I will do today.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

2001 Rx With Reverse 951

flash project! Concentration is everything.


Yesterday we then have begun despite the rain in a dry session with the backgrounds and the first three "rooms" photographed and made accessible in AGS.

also the first NPC - the magician teacher who introduces the story and at the same time as a trainer for new spells and sellers of new clothes is drawn and incorporated into AGS. I also worked on the character or values. I wondered what values for a character who fights with spells, is important. I defined for me, first the values of penetration (determined by how much do the cast in general damage), dexterity (which affects, for example, the success of the spell)

responsiveness (can be attacked as fast), accuracy (how accurate the Magic meets ) and a concentration value instead of Mana

(the higher the concentration, the better the spell cast). Whether and which are used correctly in the game is decided as yet. Finally, I honed a bit yesterday on the animations and considered the first sketches of a character interface. Today there
great sunny weather and we could make in the nearby town forest beautiful background images. As we walked through the woods, we still also a bit on the story.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Creative Webcam Live! Pro For Emachine Laptop

flash project: forest walk


Since it rained all day yesterday, we were able to shoot out there no background images - that will probably have to wait until tomorrow because today is raining it constantly. example is an attack with poison, which continuously makes a certain amount of damage in my eyes "more complicated" than a normal attack that does damage to a fixed value. According to Raphael
request, I will divide the cast into the categories of shadows, lightning, fire and ice.
is important to me, especially the interplay of the different spell categories that are mutually are intended to soften and promote.
have given me It's going to a few rough ideas. Maybe I'll work wholly without mana and draw my focus completely on the effect of the spell.
Today I will work out the first two concrete rooms to let Raphael drawings make it.
would I also make schonmal sketches for a character interface.

Our heart magician has now made its first steps in AGS, at the animation we need a little polish, however.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Boat The Mississippi

flash project! Third day.

Second Day. (04.09.2007)

Yesterday we began to say with the first drawings of our heart magician (that's the first name

of the hero, while expected name for the game). The sets will get your heart magician (that's the first name of the hero) in the course of the game and gain strength.
And to spice the whole thing I proposed to hide a few bonus items in the game.
Until now I have no value to me Thoughts made.
I just start with a coarse thread of the layout of the story and the intuitive decision-making, the development of character in four stages set up.
be the way today nor is further character graphics and the first background images that I will install this evening in AGS. Moreover
will I start to refine the story and to design first NPCs.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What To Wear For Women Swimming At The Gym

flash project! Mage heart he shall be called.

stood so firmly for the first time: an RPG should be. And although a role playing game in which fighting a wizard with spells against monsters.
Raphael had already drawn a few monsters and equipped with attributes. Some equipment (socks, magic wand) he had already devised.

Since I work for a long time with AGS and I accordingly so well versed, I will implement the game with this program. AGS is indeed meant for adventure games, but it leaves enough room for other ideas.

I know of role playing games only on ourselves and actually have only vague ideas about the nature of the various character stats, weapon bonuses and so on. But I think that is because I think of something. Learning by doing has always been my favorite method.

Now it was but once to find a story. Upon reflection, we decided that a powerful mage, was swallowed by a monster that Mage now, and eventually all cut and used magic for themselves. such a strong opponent must be strong of course, our protagonist, such as obtaining a powerful weapon or learn a powerful spell.
We also had the idea to give the monster an emetic to indemnify the magician to get out of the belly of the monster. A rough outline of the
story was created so that also: gain strength brew emetic, monsters and magicians do save.
We collected a few ideas to use magic and we made it to the development of a rapidly metabolizable simple graphics implementation. Of course there will be
2-dimensional backgrounds and environments, I have no idea of 3D and 2D in AGS is easy to implement.

Raphael wants to draw his characters like themselves, to create the backgrounds, however none of us desire.
We decided after some consideration for the environment to use for photographs, in which we need in AGS only Walkable areas and interactive installation details.
had order to spare us the eternal of illustration of animations I like the idea to cut the figures in order to scan the computer and depending on the required posture to be able to put together.

seems to me the battle system turn-based combat best suited for our project.

Pattern For Baby Fondant Booties

flash project! First day. (03.09.2007)

history (03/09/2007):

Some time ago I made with my little brother Raphael by Playmobil toy an "adventure game" together, where we built a scene from Playmobil and figures, "NPCs" and einzusammelnde "inventory items" in these distributed. Quick
was also a little "story" (The King the forest was turned into a cat and must now be converted back), and thus various problems to be solved.
Our sister Gerlind was then summoned as a player that observe with their Playmobil figure our scene for objects (Gerlind: "Look under the tree" Me: "Oh, there's a spoon") and interact with the "NPCs" had. (Gerlind: "Talk to type" I "type. Hello")
had successfully completed as Gerlind our little game, Raphael expressed the desire to make himself a real time computer game. Very pleased with this idea, I promised to help him.

Now I am here for two weeks with my family and I I made to go through with the project at this time.
first time I took my show so Raphael ideas. Inspired by WoW, he expressed the wish for a game in which "fights monsters" and for that we "get stuff".

Picnik Quotes Broken Hearts

flash project! The beginning.

short first: I have searched the Internet for a list of puzzle types, but found only a rather confused version

. So I have created themselves a summary

in which I have tried to define the puzzles kept forms in general.

will break for several months now I have the head of this without what would be an adventure not an adventure: the puzzle. What makes a good puzzle design? A satisfactory answer I have not found yet, but I'll write down my experience and knowledge.

's start with the definition. I would like to quote a friend who has brought the essence of the puzzles in adventure games quite well to the point: "I define riddle:" A task or a goal, the fulfillment or its solution is hampered by obstacles. The solution results from a combination of principles of the game world means available (eg, inventory items, services, personnel) and interactions with the game world. "(BlueGryphon)

I found in the Adventures goals are divided into three Areas:
Second, find information, goods or solution paths.

Third, applying the information (directly or indirectly), articles or solutions.


history that tells a game is repeatedly interrupted and can continue to be related only by solving various tasks werden.Je better on the task is integrated into the story, one that is already in solving the puzzle more details or the continuation of the story learns, the more motivating it is for the player to continue with the game. So you can sketch out the rough, because it provides several other factors play into the game

into motivation, which are closely linked with the puzzles. is, therefore, the degree of its integration. I have the Adventure-Treff forum a survey
started to puzzle out unpopular and even if sometimes differing tastes strong, but all agree on one point among others: poor integrated puzzles are stupid. Particularly often called here, the so-called mini-games, so little integrated in the game are that they are played in theory even without the Surrounding Adventure könnten.Ich see the mini-game problem but not quite so stark as some in the forum. I think these can be useful to insert in the game environment.

bad for the

motivation is, if the player does not know what he has to do. This situation can be there as a kind of diary, as we know it from role playing in the notes and the notes next to the tasks ahead of the game or player. All of the classic but can also be accomplished by the character

itself for example when viewing mysterious relevant places or objects Notes

is what to do or how to solve the puzzle, perhaps.

too large action spaces act quickly motivation downward, as the player does not know where to start, he should and / or ever have to search until it is findet.Gemeint a solution-relevant information or subject matter here, too many walk-in locations to be made on where too much can, and too many puzzles that can be solved at once. Thus, there are no clear structure. Therefore, it is most Adventures usus that the player puzzled by small portions, which are often divided into acts or chapters. (Incidentally, it adds value in developing the game easier, little time . And to create spatial sections, as a giant confusing areas)

Very comfortable is when Adventures are offered in several levels of difficulty or with multiple solution paths, as has the Lucas Arts done in a very exemplary manner: reduced puzzles and more information on the solution or a simplified puzzle mechanics (Loom) make an adventure attractive to inexperienced players, and this includes even greater replay value. Freely selectable characters in Maniac Mansion and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (where you can choose to start if you want to go along with Sophia alone or a puzzle or action-heavy way) increase replay value also enormous and earn a lot of respect.
Several approaches to solving a puzzle also want the visitors to the Adventure Treff forum often. This desire is often accompanied, the Board of another point bad puzzle design: when the character as a bird scaring and must solve for a strange and not navollziehbare puzzle chain needs, although he theoretically would have one of the standing next to the house bars can use would be it only accommodated gewesen.Unlogische or unnecessarily complicated puzzle to meet with resistance, but I've already said yes here in detail.
Finally I would like to have my
survey on diversity puzzles in games for the language. I wanted to know how important it is to the players, how often the different puzzle types alternate in the game. Interestingly, 17 out of 33 participants clearly expressed in a wide variety, 15 of 33 are however not a small variety of puzzles as bad and one person spoke in favor of absolute monotony mystery. As a stark contrast
but repeatedly expressed that to a certain type of puzzle schimpfen.Besondere unpopularity seem to "enjoy" above all the sound puzzle, as some players obviously not a very good musical Have never heard unddaher solve these puzzles without help for many können.AUch unpopularity are the "mystery machine", ie the trial and error in technical devices such as Myst and, as mentioned, mini games, especially sliding puzzles.
The classical inventory and dialogue puzzles, however, everybody seems to like it.
I think that you can implement any good mystery, it should be integrated logical understandable, fair and good:)