Thursday, December 9, 2010

Euccoplytus Oil For Mites

Winter in Novosibirsk - tips for dealing with snow

"We are sinking in the snow!", "One can no longer take to the streets!", "In our driveway are several meters high snow mountains!" - These and similar cries for help reached us in the course of December 2010 more times - mostly with anguish, accusing often with a certain undertone. Is it okay that even in Germany for several winter days when snow is not even weeks? Obviously the many warm and snow-less winter have meant that people in Germany feel snow already an unfair burden, which inevitably causes a state of emergency.
given an experience of a Russian friend who lived several years in Hamburg added:
stood in one of those winter mornings at the bus stop, in the firm conviction that the bus would be reliable and punctual. German buses, they had found a short time in the country, go to schedule. But he did not come. A passer-by, they spoke then answered her: "It's snowing!". Yes, she thought, of course. I see yes. And they pushed the inappropriate response to false understanding her question. But after a further pedestrian pointed specifically to the 5 cm thick layer of snow, you were slow to doubt its actually very good knowledge of German. Only with the third party slowly dawned on her that well between her surprise given the lack of bus and the fact that the winter had been felt with snow, there is a causal link had.
of the upcoming event we are therefore invited to our German home in terms of "life in the snow" something to help get started. Of course, this leads
spontaneous snowfall, especially at the beginning of winter, to more congestion on already heavily congested streets of Novosibirsk. But no one would doubt that a bus, a tram or a taxi is able to travel even in heavy snow its range. Since there are no timetables eh, you just simply wait at the bus stop arrives to the next means of transportation. That one takes for example, in the suburb of scientists Akademgorodok then not 40 minutes, but 3 hours is surely self-evident. Delays caused by heavy snowfall, are therefore not covered by such former starting out, but in case of delay (to work, to school, to a private meeting) can then be prima cite the inherent "probki" (congestion). That looks good everyone.

A city that is sinking from November to April under a solid blanket of snow has, of course, certain routines in dealing with this condition develops. It seem - to the delight of Julius - Coinciding with the onset of winter in the entire city a number of vehicles, ranging from small hand-held snow blowers to remove the parking bays raised by the piles of snow, a mini excavator, flit via walkways and driveways in order to solve the trampled snow and raise to pile on larger tractors, free push the central squares of the city, to dredging, which accumulate the dissolved snow several meters high mountains and it eventually - vorzuweigse night (!) - loaded on trucks carrying the snow out of the city - while actually We could not figure out yet.
But not only engine power is required, but even mere manual labor is almost around the clock used. With thick steel blades are bundled up, men - like with an Asian appearance - in rows on the sidewalks, which came to be snow that is often extremely smooth, loszupickeln painstaking work. The resulting mini-ice (which, moreover, are great as a football) are in turn mounted on the roadside, made up the next night of the evacuation. Several hours of work required by a few meters sidewalk in this manner totally rid of the snow. With the result that the pedestrian routes to commit to some different street levels.
course, calls all this an enormous commitment of manpower, so that sometimes gives the impression that almost half the male population of Siberia is busy in the winter months with snow. raises the question: What do they do in summer?
other hand: Is not that for now, for the second time by unexpected snow hit Germany an interesting variation on the Elimination of seasonal unemployment?
also another typical Siberian possible use of the generous snowfall I would like to recommend for imitation:
This free, but very malleable and in local Wide and durable raw material transformed the city into a huge sand box, the child can work with all types of blades - after several generations had been simple plastic buckets with the intense hacking on the frozen snow quite fast break, we have for Julius finally to a specialized supplier for hunting and outdoor an extremely stable iron shovel with wooden handle earned: He can provide not only the snow effective support workers, but also regularly earns the admiration of his peers. But not only children, even serious artists are inspired by the solidified precipitation and accomplish amazing every year to New Plants. In several parks in the city center will be the end of December mysterious, situated several meters high wooden blocks, in which, - it is just snow. However, extremely bonded and smoothed. On a specified day, the blocks freed from the wood and the competition starts (we are finally in Russia!): A few days groups of artists from all over Russia have time to form from the blank, her sculpture. In timbered stairs to climb "their" Schneekotz edit it with saws, drills, hammers and chisels. Of course (we are in Russia!) This splendor day and night guarded by police officers - in a car with the engine running continuously. Who would ultimately not already been secretly steal a ton more snow block?

A combination of art and banal children's fun is the "Eisstädtchen" is that every year on the banks of the Ob River is built: modeled from Eisquadern, internally illuminated sculptures (this year along the lines of "Shrek and his world" can), visitors charmed by its fragile stability, in an ice labyrinths, if one is there some effort to lose the focus, and ice towers in breathtaking slopes down run, ice cast slides load slopes in such a high speed, at the slide entrance specifically monitor the safe end skid monitor (again a great job creation scheme!).
seem With so many possible uses of the white splendor us the typical (?) German complaints but very one-sided and we regret personally right now, can only enjoy a few months Siberian winter.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hair Sprays For Teasing

An adventure about courage and responsibility

Not too long ago I went on an adventurous journey. A journey that requires courage and fighting spirit, but also sensitive and smart planning.
I have my own business as a game designer. I am a mercenary of the games and the game developers in the world offering my services.

I introduce myself and my service on this my homepage .
My Profile can also be viewed at the networks XING and linkedin . After I

in August in the distant city of Cologne was traveling, to stay there to present at the Gamescom the company (and I unfortunately caught a cold horrible), is take me to my next trip to Hamburg to Game City event . An exciting stage of my long journey on which I am preparing myself now.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

How To Get Shiny Gold On Gpsphone

(half) around Lake Baikal

What you absolutely must see, if you live three years in Siberia? Of course - Lake Baikal. Many superlatives swirl around this body of water: the deepest and oldest lake, the cleanest water (despite the pulp mill?), A sacred place with positive energy.

So was it again in June 2010: Into the Trans-Siberian to Ulan-Ude and on. Where is that? Yes, actually listens to the name of the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, which extends east of Lake Baikal, and certainly not Russian. When we arrived after two days and nights by train (at last) in Ulan-Ude, offered to us but the familiar sight of a Russian town of moderate size. Only then we noticed the many Asian-Mongolian faces - a clear contrast to other Russian cities - smiled at us kindly. Although the population of the Buryat people in their traditional settlement area, they control again with some independence from Moscow, only 30 percent of residents set, we had the impression that - talking loudly in groups, happy strolling through the city - certainly dominate the streetscape. As a further absolute specificity, we met here on a small pedestrian zone where you could comfortably watch in street cafes strolling by the passers-by (!) - Up by about 22 clock all sidewalks be folded up.
Also in relation to the accommodation we had ventured into new territory: We had a room in a just a year earlier Hostel opened found - for Russia, a whole new phenomenon which has emerged especially in the vicinity of Lake Baikal to young Europeans convenient to provide shelter, which began with Russian naturalists to create an environmental trail around the lake.

The student son of the house had equipped the old wooden house with three bedrooms, a bathroom and a (summer) kitchen for international guests, after the family had moved to an annex in the back. It was he who provided us practical help for visits, while his mother spoiled us with fresh pastries for breakfast and a simple washing machine service. Cara and Julius of the family connection was particularly numerous in loving care for the house cat and a small, blind dog who had found refuge.

From this base, we visited the first day of an ethnographic museum just outside the city, pointing to a very large territory in graphic form, the forms of settlement of all in the eastern Baikal region, local tribes and ethnic groups. Striking was there for us once again the similarity of the Siberian natives with our idea of "traditional" Indians. Regardless of the climate, the early Siberians lived as nomads in tents - in the summer of birch bark, in winter covered with animal skins. To what extent the statement of our Russian guide-booklet Believe should be paid to that fact could find the first traces of settlement of this kind in Siberia, from where have dared to indigenous tribes then the "jump" to America, we can not judge.

The second day was devoted to a further highlight of the region, we visited the Buddhist monastery Iwolga, which, situated in complete solitude of the desert outside the city, was the only Buddhist organization during the entire period of the Soviet Union "in operation" . Today we saw how many religious institutions, a period of growth and serves as a Buddhist university and intellectual center, with contacts to Tibet. Besides we were in the minibus many Buryat road, which passes through their now traditional Buddhist religion, with some shamanistic overtones, to practice open again. We were given a Lama, who tirelessly led us exclusively through the site and honestly struggled to dedicate ourselves to the principles of his religion. Unfortunately, we had the - underestimated icy steppe wind and then had to cancel the field trip early to us quickly warm up at a makeshift café something - even in the summertime.
The next morning we started in a minivan on the way to the west, to finally see the lake itself: In the town of Baikalsk entirely from the Southern tip of Lake Baikal, we joined for five days on a Russian tour group from Novosibirsk. This had us quickly the usual Russia again: Housed in a small hotel with the beautiful name "Ujot" (coziness), which had but just missing a zentermeterdicken in view of the dust on the pink plush sofa beds, a kitchen staff every morning with Bassem surprise to the 20-member tour group responded that actually wanted to again have to set breakfast time by 10 clock (!) warm tea, to training pants clad older ladies of the group who had proclaimed an obvious competition for the trashy holiday photo. That's how we love and Russia!
Together, we now had five days pre-planned trips on foot, by bus and of course a boat trip on Lake Baikal, to the old, now disused railway line, which ended on the bank. Even middle of the last century here in the winter, the tracks were laid across the ice to continue at least a few months, the trip to the East. Now serve the disused railway tracks and tunnels impressive than walking route for backpackers freaky.
like last year during our vacation we went Altai also learned that Russians on holiday are very outgoing and open. Especially with the father of a son in Julius' age, we became friends closer to us, with us his fascinating work as an artist special. While we enjoyed after several hours of walking the picnic at a lake or waterfall, he hastened to set up his easel in order to make as many sketches. Only after his return to Novosibirsk, he worked them out to complete paintings and we were lucky, an exhibition of his work in September at the museum to admire in Novosibirsk can be: We had more than once under the impression that one or the other, indicated figure in the red recognize T-shirt.
We also made the first encounter with "the" fish of Lake Baikal: the omul.
While he "smoked warm" and the less pronounced fish fans of our family tasted very good, he was almost the only element - in addition to a couple of pale potato pieces - in the typical Russian "ucha" (fish soup) may not be very attractive. But for lack of alternatives, and regardless of the critically-looking fish eyes could overcome even the only just become a vegetarian for Cara, auszulöffeln the soup around the fish.
were now also the first summer temperatures dropped to about 8 degrees, so that was a hot meal in any form in any event a pleasure. In the town of Baikalsk
is also those legendary, at times of environmental activists shut down, now under the direction of oligarchs but again put into operation in pulp mill, which allegedly works in a closed circuit, completely environmentally safe. However - so assured us all Russians-and totally uneconomic.
As the rest of the group went by Trans-Siberian railway on the return trip to Novosibirsk, we sat down once again for several hours in a minibus that took us to Irkutsk. There we gathered for another large taxi to undertake the journey to the island of Baikal. We had now been through some scenic surprises in Siberia, but this put everything into the shade: After a few tens of kilometers, typical taiga forest abruptly stopped any vegetation. Before us stretched only rolling brown-yellow steppe landscapes that stood out very picturesque occasional individual shrubs.
A small - free! - Car ferry took us from the mainland to the biggest island of Lake Baikal. With the landscape changing the climate and the same: A heat of nearly 40 degree heat for soothing the audience first, but then was not entirely harmless.
On this island, we were the first ever time on Russian soil placed in a hotel, in our opinion an appropriate price-performance ratio had. A Buryat family had used the family-owned lands in order to first create a simple log cabins ensemble with outdoor toilets, and this last year is a very proper style, extended entirely of solid wood-made hotel. Starting with the very tasteful decor of the rooms, the omnipresent scent of cedar to the unobtrusive but very attentive service of the Buryat maid we felt spoiled here grand.
While the simple but tasty meals together with the "log cabin guests, we were able to know a Russian family with three children To learn that we met regularly from now on to the evening volleyball game. Then they brought us home first, then we and so on, until we drank several times per evening tea or sweet wine, and - had eaten dried omul - of course. This family lives in a still "closed" city, which can be found on any map, and also by anyone with the exception of first-degree relatives - can be visited. The reason lies in a nuclear power plant, in which our friend is working as an energy expert. For a family with so many children, this unusual non-existent town but the advantage of excellent supply of kindergartens and schools, as well as sporting and cultural education - and just leave the sponsored rides in a "clean" area.

The island itself offers Olkhon of beautiful sandy beaches (water temperature: 8 degrees) of pine forests with secluded lakes to quilting quality hills all possible landscapes. In one stepped out from the Russian Trott family with an extremely good knowledge of German, we could even borrow suitable bikes, durchzuradeln to us over the sandy bottom of the "village" in the next forest. After it had exhausted in the face of the heat after an hour our water supply to only trusted Klaus from the shadows of the forest steppe on the next hill out.
We rested Meanwhile, in the immediate vicinity of a bull's skull, which had been used no doubt for shamanistic rituals.
is at all an ever-present element of shamanism Olkhon. Not only on the so-called shaman rocks, a sanctuary, to be entered only in positive mental health, but in many other places are the small cloth strips to see the locals tie to stakes to connect with the spirits in contact. Try all other religions, to take on Olkhon foot, have failed.
At another Cara and I took days to a riding tour in part to the whole day - went through the treeless steppe landscape, until we finally did catch on a lake - with still 40 degrees. A somewhat corpulent Russian advanced age, who had obviously been sitting for the first time in my life on a horse lay down immediately on her stomach on the floor with the promise, then never get up again. But of course we saddled back up and now the soon ran Caras horse that sweeps on the way suddenly without warning was made to gallop in the native pasture to drive, even quite acceptable to progress.

Klaus and Julius, meanwhile, were having a "Uasik," the Russian form of an SUV en route to the northern tip of about 70 km long island. While Julius enthusiastically enjoyed every pothole, Klaus labored to translate the remarks of the Russian driver for two passengers tourists from England and Portugal into English. Each
tired in his own way, we enjoyed dinner in a surprising presence of a silver wedding couple who celebrated the festive occasion in just the two, but all in attendance to cognac, vodka and - invited omul - of course.
From what we've seen in Siberia, has left the island Olkhon certainly an extraordinary impression.
But after five days we left here from our tents to drive one more time Irkutsk - this time for three days, which should give us an insight into this city. Unfortunately the time was characterized by steady rain rather atypical, so that we have the streets lined with preserved wooden houses had to happen pretty quickly.
Again, we stayed in a hostel, which was less familiar and more influenced by changing international audience backpack. Fortunately we had a six-run dormitory reserved for us alone, and You must not stay in the ever-booked 12 rooms. Here, met a lot of Asian tourists, especially Japanese and Koreans, with Europeans (we had brought from the Portuguese and British Olkhon same) and world traveler from Switzerland and America. Cara was able to try out their first year of distance learning school acquired English skills equivalent to native speakers and Klaus pursued jointly with an Englishman, the England-Germany World Cup game in the soviet sphere of qualified comments hosts. was brought
One night a young Japanese bloody beaten and robbed all the cash from a disco to the hostel, we did come to mind that we are despite all the international flair in the depths of Asia. Another two-day Trans-Siberian trip - and corresponding amounts of Chinese Fast Food Hits "Doschirak" - brought us back into the familiar civilization Novosibirsk.

And the lake?
In view of water temperatures around 8 degrees could be overcome only the bravest of us, just a bath to risk "for the record." Of course, the dimensions were impressive: In a north-south length of over 600 km, we could not even imagine the other side. Also during our stay we had to Olkhon tend to feel on an island in a sea of being, because in a freshwater lake.
remarks of a travel guide that the lake everything that is fed to him once, never again hergibt, we could confirm from personal experience: During a boat trip to the Baikal swallowed first a cap of Klaus and then a small car, had played with Julius and a boy traveling with. Whether they were destroyed from the little fish at once, which supposedly decompose any organic material directly, we were unable to verify at a water depth of 1,600 meters, unfortunately.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Nadine Jansen & Milena Velba Milking Tits

kebab on the river

After almost six months of winter, the month of May, the beginning of spring: Finally no more white, gray back roads, brown earth and the first bit of green. How many Russians are also pushing us to the long time indoors then out into nature, that is, out of the city. Without own car and relevant local knowledge would be this desire to realize not easy, but fortunately we met a Russian family that has both and we participate in the weekend like it does. Parents Irina and Peter and her seven year old son, Danil - to know we have the scooter riding around the Springbrungen in the city center - share, in contrast to many other Russian families our need for fresh air and freedom of movement for the boys and easy exchange of ideas for parents. Although both have no relations with Germany and speak a word of German, are more intense than with some of our contacts in which the former is given. For us is very pleasant, that our meeting very spontaneous and always - at first - take place on neutral ground, that we talk and make us two hours later on the way to a park or on an ice rink. There are tea from a thermos flask and some biscuits on hand or we have some time to warm fresh air inhalation in a simple cafe. Sometimes we end up at the end of the day when one of us at home, but it never is a multi-hour menu preparation connected.
Quite often there are first mother-child meetings in relatively civilized places in the city and the men come in the evening for a beer to, but sometimes we start as a complete Families in the early afternoon in the direction of nature - which for us is always an adventure with an uncertain destination and output. It begins with the drive, because 6-7 people (with or without Cara now mostly) in a car are also available for most of the Russian transport police a little too much of a good. But urgent calls - and a little attention - they are able to convince them to let us go blameless.
Pyotr not only has a (Japanese) SUV, but also the knowledge of corresponding lines in the vicinity of Novosibirsk, where it can fully operational. If it is found in our spontaneous phone calls, that the men with come out to play, we agree with us then to a more jerky-hour car journey and a return not much before midnight. So also on that day in May.
After a joint purchase in a supermarket (lots of fresh vegetables, French bread and Russian shish kebab), we were on our way to a "good spot on the river". Which river? What place? No idea, but our past experience had shown that it would be unusual and exciting in every case. the way we stopped in a suburb with an old wooden house settlement, where there are on street corners or public water pumps. There were already in the car mounted jerry cans filled with drinking water. Then we headed to woodlands in the north of Novosibirsk, first on public roads, then on forest roads, but finally we left out determined to make a birch visit, had at the Pyotr an apparatus for the disposal of the attached spring flowing birch juice. In the army, so we heard learn how to survive alone by birch trees. The juice of the birch is to have a clean and very refreshing effect on the body - of course we also confirmed after the first taste of the fantastic taste. Then we got but rather to the well water. For a real trip but we did or firewood, which we collected on the spot under the expert guidance and Piotr's invited. The tour went through the forest and the river (probably a tributary of the Ob) along the right of the forest slope, next to the river bed. Since the time of snow melt was not long past, there were some areas of the Way flooded - fortunately not a problem, for that SUV, and great fun for our boys. past other city fugitives who had already taken with folding tables and barbecue spits of land in fog, we finally got to "our" place. Annoyingly, we were not the first to welcome the spring this year here wanted: Impressive witnessed piles of rubbish from previous visitors. If we had grudgingly come to terms with this common bad habit of marking territory was unbearable for Pjotr the sight of the plastic plates and bottles. Embarrassed and cursing, he began a ditch auszuschachten, in which he was completely every relic. He did not fail to explain his and also our son, that you are so in no case did behave in nature. Too bad, we thought that not speak more Russian fathers so with their sons. Finally, our natural pleasure
was nothing in the way: The boys had started a long time, the little forest hills to climb to let himself down roll it enjoyable by the fresh earth (Irina is different from many Russich mothers in that she believes a day without nasty boy Pants is a lost day.) now got Irina a small tent shows that Danil and Julius independent after long preliminary constructions: It offered comfortable protection from the still fairly icy wind.
Meanwhile, the collected wood sawed to proper length - and has generated some heat. When at last the fire burned and spread on the small folding table, almost still warm baguette, fresh green salad (a rarity!), Tomatoes and cucumbers were all suddenly realized we were we hungry now become. One can not describe in words how good such a simple meal and taste the typical Russian shish kebab on the shores of a wild river! While the boys with rifle replacement of branches up the hill and down running, then in her tent rested, with sticks dangerously far in the river flow poked and ate again kebab, we could enjoy the first spring sun,
the improbable silence beyond any city sounds (luckily we were in contrast to most other trippers the Car radios) and at all these beautiful spring day, now went to meet even the twilight.
fact, we reached the city center in total darkness - as one would expect the persistent traffic jams formed from many day-trippers who had welcomed the month of May in Nature.

the rest of this trip took place on 9 May take place in Russia the great celebrated "Victory Day" - over Nazi Germany. "Better you can not celebrate the day well": Danil grandma in Khabarovsk (? Na, who finds `s) responded to the information of her grandson, he would spend the day with his German friend Julius. This Opinion we concur with absolutely!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Can You Do A Hollywood With Veet?

music intensively

only way for all cases we had Caras violin, on which they had been in Germany for four years taught in the music of Mr. Rott Enger-Spennymoor with great patience, even with our packed with relocation to Novosibirsk. Rather, we naturally had loose in the hand luggage, us - clueless as we were - after landing the completion of multilateral declarations in Russian (who knows what "violin bow" means in Russian?) Under the strict supervision unhelpful official brought. The properly now imported instrument stored for several months peacefully in our new house which prevented many new impressions in the city and school, first playing music. In the course of the approaching Christmas season 2008, however, we collect all - as every year - the desire to give this special time also to musical expression. Unfortunately, only the violin was lying down transport and long tune considerably.

mediator, we were convinced, however, that at the secondary school No. 1 for all interests an offer there, and then Klaus went looking for a music teacher who "just" could set up the strings again. The search for such was really no Problem: Liliya Maksutowna, director of the school ensembles and violin teacher at a neighboring music school, was immediately ready to help out. But: Not only should we put the violin, but please also equal to the child!

were quick tune the strings - and Cara unexpectedly logged to the course. Despite our firm intentions, Cara, first of any "free time stress" keep away, to enable it for the first time in a quiet settling into the new language and environment, we could the friendly obligation Liliya Maksutownas not resisted, and consented that Cara (at first) once a week should have in her classroom. Before long, Cara was "tentatively" invited into the ensemble and of course it made the music with 10-12 other young people enjoy.
Then, when the first concert came up and Cara solemnly with a long evening dress stood on the stage, all resistance was futile: At the weekly individual lesson came two hours of rehearsals with the ensemble, sometimes another single hour during the following school year, "Solfeggio" a kind of music theory with musical notes and rhythm theory, finally, the third weekly private lesson and a "mandatory" second instrument piano. Only the subjects "Music Literature" and "Musikanhören" which are provided with one additional hour per week in the regular curriculum, can Cara (yet) from. As Cara was taken thanks to the intercession of Liliya Maksutowna in a State of Music, will cost us all the fun just 500 rubles a month, currently about 12 €. use
From Caras progress and the unexpected possibilities here animated spot now Julius and I have the opportunity to inform us about Caras piano teacher Jelena Genedjewna. While Julius makes the first ever encounter with notes and keys and still get used to the necessity of regular practice must I struggle with at some point learned, but then thoroughly forgotten bass clef. Several weeks ago I took alone to me by the German re used to the Russian note names. But using Julius' song "Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-na sela Koschka taksi" I too have finally understood. Serious strikes me as even the correct posture of fingers (to be able to play on the "cushion", the fingertips, must of course all protruding nails to be sacrificed), wrist and arms. Despite the constant assertion of our teacher, it would be nothing unnatural about it, demands that my whole focus. Nice here is that Jelena Genadjewna considers us as a family project and often selects notes, in which I play Cara monitoring and the upper parts or in which one of Julius easy batch place.

So we have probably already set up soon a plan for the use of electric piano, there has been a Christmas present for us all. provide, together with daily practice sessions Caras on the violin, which requires, in contrast to the times at the German music school no longer call, we offer our neighbors for several hours every day listening.
Over the past year and a half Cara participated in 40 concerts, festivals and competitions, which has earned her a thick stack of representative documents. She has on birthdays in restaurants, at a wedding, at the German Christmas Market, in libraries, museums, in the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, in a home for disabled children in an Orthodox and Protestant church and played our course, on all occasions on stage at school. Most performances of the ensemble are approximately 10-minute posts in a concert with many different drivers, but there are also longer performances, especially as trials in the music school or at festivals and competitions, where each ensemble member's solo contributions are required.
Cara is now the third model with a concert dress (after altrose now white and gold, with each matching headbands and shoes were designed to) and in the last week she has (finally) traded in their half against a good violin.
But the highlight so far was definitely the trip with the company to an international youth music festival in Nizhny Novgorod. During spring break in late March 2010, Liliya Maksutowna was accompanied by Aliona Yuryevna that accompanies the ensemble is always on the piano, with the young people by train to the two and a half-day route in the city on the Volga. During the trip was in the greater sleeper practiced every day, only to lose no time to prepare. Also in the hotel where they stayed with other participants from throughout Russia and neighboring countries, had each ensemble member daily two hours of individual instruction, to daily rehearsals. All this culminated in a performance for which the ensemble with 2nd Course was excellent. As the violinists had done their best, they were still the first for the Place This prize money is 1000 rubles per person. Of course, the returning ensemble at School No. 1 and in the music school with great pride was taken in reception.
The sometimes extreme exposure to concerts (there were times with up to four concerts per week), daily practice, the back and held out of the instrument and dress for every (!) Cara weather can certainly stand as good reason because Liliya Maksutowna at all professional need never lose the people in the eye: Basically it fits to the individual lessons to the individual schedule of their students, the samples found in the "podwaltschik" instead (a small basement room with a piano) in School No. 1, so that Cara not need to Music to walk. When a concert in the morning before school in the afternoon Caras pending, she always asks about whether Cara still at home is "fed", or whether she should get her something to eat. Are the concerts in the afternoon, she worried even chocolate bars and drinks as a reward and reinforcement. In the last two weeks before the trip to Nizhny Novgorod were distributed to all participants and vitamin tablets for the train bag as healthy food packed for self catering.

Given the great progress that Cara has made this intensive musical education, and the joy and sense of achievement, she has experienced it, we are happy that their is still ahead of another Russian school year in which they several times a week in the small "podwaltschik" and can be run on different platforms.