Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Itchy Eyes On Adderall

Simply brilliant!

As already mentioned several times:) I put great emphasis on the personalities of the characters.
benefits Now however, if you yourself have a thriving idea of the personality of the character, it penetrates but not to the players. How can this happen? First of all we have
the look that is so, does not change or only rarely, in contrast to the film. Clothing, posture, gait and facial expression, all that remains the same as far as possible. But (implemented like in Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis very beautiful) even by a few small facial expressions and gestures, can the distance of Player and game character diminish. The player does, how does the character on the situation? If it stays cool? Frightened he? Glad he is?
is the best course in the dialogues and / or comments to the environment to bear right after the typical character of expression.
I found most beautiful in this regard, Gabriel Knight 3, where I clicked on each image for hours just to Gabriel's comments delighted to hear. It was not me, then get bored of doing the same thing again with Grace. By their own opinions on various things can begin to develop the personality of the characters, even past their very own biography. The same of course for talks, that is dialogue. who can skillfully handle this expressive instrument that can then even dare to dialogue, to let the players decide in which way he answers (if friendly, unfriendly, honest, dishonest ...)
And who masterfully the composition of the dialogues understood, it can even integrate into gameplay that they change this term. This, however, much work is needed, and again, the guiding principle: better executed well and just as complicated and difficult.


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