After almost six months of winter, the month of May, the beginning of spring: Finally no more white, gray back roads, brown earth and the first bit of green. How many Russians are also pushing us to the long time indoors then out into nature, that is, out of the city. Without own car and relevant local knowledge would be this desire to realize not easy, but fortunately we met a Russian family that has both and we participate in the weekend like it does.
Parents Irina and Peter and her seven year old son, Danil - to know we have the scooter riding around the Springbrungen in the city center - share, in contrast to many other Russian families our need for fresh air and freedom of movement for the boys and easy exchange of ideas for parents. Although both have no relations with Germany and speak a word of German, are more intense than with some of our contacts in which the former is given. For us is very pleasant, that our meeting very spontaneous and always - at first - take place on neutral ground, that we talk and make us two hours later on the way to a park or on an ice rink. There are tea from a thermos flask and some biscuits on hand or we have some time to warm fresh air inhalation in a simple cafe. Sometimes we end up at the end of the day when one of us at home, but it never is a multi-hour menu preparation connected.
Quite often there are first mother-child meetings in relatively civilized places in the city and the men come in the evening for a beer to, but sometimes we start as a complete Families in the early afternoon in the direction of nature - which for us is always an adventure with an uncertain destination and output. It begins with the drive, because 6-7 people (with or without Cara now mostly) in a car are also available for most of the Russian transport police a little too much of a good. But urgent calls - and a little attention - they are able to convince them to let us go blameless.
Pyotr not only has a (Japanese) SUV, but also the knowledge of corresponding lines in the vicinity of Novosibirsk, where it can fully operational. If it is found in our spontaneous phone calls, that the men with come out to play, we agree with us then to a more jerky-hour car journey and a return not much before midnight. So also on that day in May.
After a joint purchase in a supermarket (lots of fresh vegetables, French bread and Russian shish kebab), we were on our way to a "good spot on the river". Which river? What place? No idea, but our past experience had shown that it would be unusual and exciting in every case.
the way we stopped in a suburb with an old wooden house settlement, where there are on street corners or public water pumps. There were already in the car mounted jerry cans filled with drinking water. Then we headed to woodlands in the north of Novosibirsk, first on public roads, then on forest roads, but finally we left out determined to make a birch visit, had at the Pyotr an apparatus for the disposal of the attached spring flowing birch juice. In the army, so we heard learn how to survive alone by birch trees. The juice of the birch is to have a clean and very refreshing effect on the body - of course we also confirmed after the first taste of the fantastic taste. Then we got but rather to the well water.
For a real trip but we did or firewood, which we collected on the spot under the expert guidance and Piotr's invited. The tour went through the forest and the river (probably a tributary of the Ob) along the right of the forest slope, next to the river bed. Since the time of snow melt was not long past, there were some areas of the Way flooded - fortunately not a problem, for that SUV, and great fun for our boys.
past other city fugitives who had already taken with folding tables and barbecue spits of land in fog, we finally got to "our" place. Annoyingly, we were not the first to welcome the spring this year here wanted: Impressive witnessed piles of rubbish from previous visitors. If we had grudgingly come to terms with this common bad habit of marking territory was unbearable for Pjotr the sight of the plastic plates and bottles. Embarrassed and cursing, he began a ditch auszuschachten, in which he was completely every relic. He did not fail to explain his and also our son, that you are so in no case did behave in nature. Too bad, we thought that not speak more Russian fathers so with their sons. Finally, our natural pleasure
was nothing in the way: The boys had started a long time, the little forest hills to climb to let himself down roll it enjoyable by the fresh earth (Irina is different from many Russich mothers in that she believes a day without nasty boy Pants is a lost day.)
now got Irina a small tent shows that Danil and Julius independent after long preliminary constructions: It offered comfortable protection from the still fairly icy wind.
Meanwhile, the collected wood sawed to proper length - and has generated some heat.
When at last the fire burned and spread on the small folding table, almost still warm baguette, fresh green salad (a rarity!), Tomatoes and cucumbers were all suddenly realized we were we hungry now become. One can not describe in words how good such a simple meal and taste the typical Russian shish kebab on the shores of a wild river!
While the boys with rifle replacement of branches up the hill and down running, then in her tent rested, with sticks dangerously far in the river flow poked and ate again kebab,
we could enjoy the first spring sun,
the improbable silence beyond any city sounds (luckily we were in contrast to most other trippers the Car radios) and at all these beautiful spring day, now went to meet even the twilight.
fact, we reached the city center in total darkness - as one would expect the persistent traffic jams formed from many day-trippers who had welcomed the month of May in Nature.
the rest of this trip took place on 9 May take place in Russia the great celebrated "Victory Day" - over Nazi Germany. "Better you can not celebrate the day well": Danil grandma in Khabarovsk (? Na, who finds `s) responded to the information of her grandson, he would spend the day with his German friend Julius. This Opinion we concur with absolutely!
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