only way for all cases we had Caras violin, on which they had been in Germany for four years taught in the music of Mr. Rott Enger-Spennymoor with great patience, even with our packed with relocation to Novosibirsk. Rather, we naturally had loose in the hand luggage, us - clueless as we were - after landing the completion of multilateral declarations in Russian (who knows what "violin bow" means in Russian?) Under the strict supervision unhelpful official brought. The properly now imported instrument stored for several months peacefully in our new house which prevented many new impressions in the city and school, first playing music. In the course of the approaching Christmas season 2008, however, we collect all - as every year - the desire to give this special time also to musical expression. Unfortunately, only the violin was lying down transport and long tune considerably.
mediator, we were convinced, however, that at the secondary school No. 1 for all interests an offer there, and then Klaus went looking for a music teacher who "just" could set up the strings again. The search for such was really no Problem: Liliya Maksutowna, director of the school ensembles and violin teacher at a neighboring music school, was immediately ready to help out. But: Not only should we put the violin, but please also equal to the child!
were quick tune the strings - and Cara unexpectedly logged to the course. Despite our firm intentions, Cara, first of any "free time stress" keep away, to enable it for the first time in a quiet settling into the new language and environment, we could the friendly obligation Liliya Maksutownas not resisted, and consented that Cara (at first) once a week should have in her classroom. Before long, Cara was "tentatively" invited into the ensemble and of course it made the music with 10-12 other young people enjoy.
Then, when the first concert came up and Cara solemnly with a long evening dress stood on the stage, all resistance was futile: At the weekly individual lesson came two hours of rehearsals with the ensemble, sometimes another single hour during the following school year, "Solfeggio" a kind of music theory with musical notes and rhythm theory, finally, the third weekly private lesson and a "mandatory" second instrument piano. Only the subjects "Music Literature" and "Musikanhören" which are provided with one additional hour per week in the regular curriculum, can Cara (yet) from. As Cara was taken thanks to the intercession of Liliya Maksutowna in a State of Music, will cost us all the fun just 500 rubles a month, currently about 12 €. use
From Caras progress and the unexpected possibilities here animated spot now Julius and I have the opportunity to inform us about Caras piano teacher Jelena Genedjewna. While Julius makes the first ever encounter with notes and keys and still get used to the necessity of regular practice must I struggle with at some point learned, but then thoroughly forgotten bass clef. Several weeks ago I took alone to me by the German re used to the Russian note names. But using Julius' song "Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-na sela Koschka taksi" I too have finally understood. Serious strikes me as even the correct posture of fingers (to be able to play on the "cushion", the fingertips, must of course all protruding nails to be sacrificed), wrist and arms. Despite the constant assertion of our teacher, it would be nothing unnatural about it, demands that my whole focus. Nice here is that Jelena Genadjewna considers us as a family project and often selects notes, in which I play Cara monitoring and the upper parts or in which one of Julius easy batch place.
So we have probably already set up soon a plan for the use of electric piano, there has been a Christmas present for us all. provide, together with daily practice sessions Caras on the violin, which requires, in contrast to the times at the German music school no longer call, we offer our neighbors for several hours every day listening.
Over the past year and a half Cara participated in 40 concerts, festivals and competitions, which has earned her a thick stack of representative documents. She has on birthdays in restaurants, at a wedding, at the German Christmas Market, in libraries, museums, in the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, in a home for disabled children in an Orthodox and Protestant church and played our course, on all occasions on stage at school. Most performances of the ensemble are approximately 10-minute posts in a concert with many different drivers, but there are also longer performances, especially as trials in the music school or at festivals and competitions, where each ensemble member's solo contributions are required.
Cara is now the third model with a concert dress (after altrose now white and gold, with each matching headbands and shoes were designed to) and in the last week she has (finally) traded in their half against a good violin.
But the highlight so far was definitely the trip with the company to an international youth music festival in Nizhny Novgorod. During spring break in late March 2010, Liliya Maksutowna was accompanied by Aliona Yuryevna that accompanies the ensemble is always on the piano, with the young people by train to the two and a half-day route in the city on the Volga. During the trip was in the greater sleeper practiced every day, only to lose no time to prepare. Also in the hotel where they stayed with other participants from throughout Russia and neighboring countries, had each ensemble member daily two hours of individual instruction, to daily rehearsals. All this culminated in a performance for which the ensemble with 2nd Course was excellent. As the violinists had done their best, they were still the first for the Place This prize money is 1000 rubles per person. Of course, the returning ensemble at School No. 1 and in the music school with great pride was taken in reception.
The sometimes extreme exposure to concerts (there were times with up to four concerts per week), daily practice, the back and held out of the instrument and dress for every (!) Cara weather can certainly stand as good reason because Liliya Maksutowna at all professional need never lose the people in the eye: Basically it fits to the individual lessons to the individual schedule of their students, the samples found in the "podwaltschik" instead (a small basement room with a piano) in School No. 1, so that Cara not need to Music to walk. When a concert in the morning before school in the afternoon Caras pending, she always asks about whether Cara still at home is "fed", or whether she should get her something to eat. Are the concerts in the afternoon, she worried even chocolate bars and drinks as a reward and reinforcement. In the last two weeks before the trip to Nizhny Novgorod were distributed to all participants and vitamin tablets for the train bag as healthy food packed for self catering.
Given the great progress that Cara has made this intensive musical education, and the joy and sense of achievement, she has experienced it, we are happy that their is still ahead of another Russian school year in which they several times a week in the small "podwaltschik" and can be run on different platforms.
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