visit from Lübbecke! Although it is quite a while ago, but maybe I can still publish the following text ... In September, Claudia Jeske, Eva Wood Berger and Michael Lammers, my former colleagues from Wittekind-Gymnasium in Lübbecke, for a week here visiting. You have the city and the School considered and worked together with my German teacher colleagues here and the local school management in a draft framework for a school partnership between the two high schools and planned a first concrete school exchange, which now is in February and April 2010 will take place. I was very happy about the visit and wrote an article for the school newspaper of the school No. 1. Who can even a little Russian, can indeed even dare it!
Визит учителей гимназии им. Виттекинда from the city Lyubbeke
pedagogical staff of our school hosted 20 to Sept. 27 teachers from Germany. Eva Holtsberger, Claudia and Michael Eske Lammers of the Gymnasium. Vittekinda city Lyubbeke (North Rhine-Westphalia) were visiting at the Gymnasium № 1, to discuss together with representatives of Schools and teachers of German, working on the program DSD, opportunities for future exchanges between students of both schools. varied and interesting program was provided by the school for guests: visit the opera house and several museums, exploring the historic heart of the city during excursion, a trip to Kolyvan. The focus of the visit was, however, the problem is to familiarize itself with the school and its work. So, the day of arrival (And it immediately after a six-hour trip + two-hour flight delay!) guests from Germany, has been proposed tour of the school, held student from DSD-group 10 class.
The next day they spent attending classes in various subjects at different stages (in the early and mid-level) which ended with a lively exchange of views with the teachers in the classroom where they were present. Many thanks to all teachers for their willingness to open the doors to guests and for pedagogical exchanges! Also, together with Russian teachers
school, working on the program DSD (IV Zanin, OA Schick, MN Abramsky) were designed and conducted lessons in the course DSD-9, 10 and 11 classes. All participants received an undoubted experience. guests have shown in these occupations photos their students and schools, spoke about the school everyday life in Germany.
Along with the above, was also a specific task to plan future exchange among students. So, first to arrive in early 2010. in the Novosibirsk group of students from the city Lyubbeke, Russian and German students will be jointly work on the project. In the same academic year will pay a return visit of our students in Germany. Currently, the German and the Russian side will be solve many organizational problems, and we hope that soon our plans realized. Visit of German teachers in order to establish contact, According to all the participants, was successful. On behalf of all participants we would like to cordially thank the leadership Gymnasium № 1
VG Kosyanenko, LK Raspopin and EV Tsvetkov, as well as chairman of the board of trustees RD Salmin, for their willingness to cooperate and actively support, which led to the success of the meeting. We look forward to further successful cooperation between the two schools and to expand the scope for cooperation between Russian and German students!
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