Cara had to wait a long time, however, since in the "second layer" learns. The school suffers from a lack of space, so the class 4A divides the classroom with a first class. The first class has morning classes, but Cara 13 bis 18 clock. Hence there was the "Linejka," the ruler-like list of all classes with the teacher in the school yard before early afternoon.
Full of expectations and Cara has joined in their line and under a blue sky at about 30 degrees waited patiently for the start of the ceremony. After the Russian national anthem numerous speeches of various teachers and individual students, followed always alternating with musical contributions of talented students - just won important competitions for the school - was stressed as always had. The closure was the singing the school song, a moving ode to the "best" school in the city - with no irony! Then there was the "first ring" instead of the new school year: A student of the highest class (Year 11) took a first grade girl by the hand and together they walked around the school yard, where they rang a symbolic school bell.
disappeared after the children and their teachers in classes for the "lesson of peace to hold. They came back with a plan for the (three!) lessons on the following day - a real timetable, there will probably not before October.
Even at the "Linejka" and later Cara in the class brought their newly acquired Russian-chunk bravely used. Finally she was able to their peers with whom they sometimes the last few months in Germany already had exchanged e-mails, meet in person.
home was the school uniform, Cara with great pride and much seriousness, carefully hung on the bracket and for the next school day a fresh white tights ready set ...
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