Sweet Home Evangelical Church It's probably time to time to describe how, that is where we actually live here in Siberia. To anticipate: As soon as we close the door from the inside, we feel, to leave Russia and enter a piece of Ikea Spenge or country. And that's good. find an apartment in Novosibirsk
quick. Actually.
were already on the third day after our arrival we have a round trip with a - very nice and competent - broker, in part by subway, in part to six, of course, unrestrained, in the car. We were able to visit four apartments that came at all because of the rent for the question. Because for a moderately large, furnished 4-room apartment in the capital of Siberia you pay about as much as for two spacious one-family houses in East Westphalia.
Our many years of experience in Russia was very inhospitable to us, because dark, tight, torn and smelly hallways shock of 5-15 storey apartment houses not so much. Did we, however, that can look behind the door the world differently.
The selection was an extremely smart equipped but very small 80-square meter apartment after a classic Soviet-section (small kitchen with two seats, separate bath and toilet, only for one - not to be obese and four-person accessible to small living and sleeping areas). Contact with the landlords, Russia Germans from Oelde, we had already established in Germany, making it very difficult for us noticed this nice and open family, which had us entertained several times with Siberian treats and had traveled specially for our benefit for four weeks after Novosibirsk, a refusal to grant.
Two other very spacious apartments paid entirely on Soviet charm, with old oak parquet, decorated library rooms, but quite outdated plumbing and kitchen facilities.
So we finally convinced the fourth apartment, the landlord had actually sought a much higher price, but then given a "European" family was still willing to negotiate. Where "family" really is more of an obstacle, because most landlords of "luxury flats" (ie, renovated to European standards) fear painted walls or zerhüpfte sofas. What they may not all be wrong ....
After a few hours to think, in the still Jetlegs, we finally gave the approval for the apartment in the city center, yet quiet area with four rooms, each of which is not separated by a door, and appealing Kitchen and toilet facilities.
So, we thought everything would be regulated and is already planning the move for the coming weekend. But no!
The lender would only enter into further negotiations if their cash immediately, we put the first month's rent and a security deposit other than on the table. Also, do not worry, we thought. Finally, we Klaus had before the trip provided with credit cards, unlimited withdrawals featured world safe. But like the Novosibirsk banks had still heard nothing. We were given only small amounts of cash paid out, and after we were several hours from ATM to ATM getingelt, activated We summarily help from the small German community site. Stevie Fendler, already mentioned pastor, even just entered the country from Germany, came to help us immediately, so that finally we like a good luck on the slot machine, could pull in a good bank rubles to rubles.
But before signing the lease was still the "Act", a pre-defined hand-written by the owner, multilateral system, in which all were listed in the apartment located furniture and all prohibitions and rules. It was strange for us sometimes expresses ideas, for example, should we spend the night by guests, including family members include a kind of Hotel fee not negligible amounts of pay. Forbidden to dispose of toilet paper in the toilet and more power-intensive devices simultaneously on (but sometimes you want to blow dry it, even if the machine is running) is. In addition, all were Einrichtungsgestände with "new" or "immaculate" declared, although characterized actually several years old and wear. So we set an example for German thoroughness and walked for several hours (!) With the digital camera through the house to document every inch of wall paper or laminate, scratches on the fridge or crack in the ceiling. Complete preparations formed a joint visit with Ikea the landlady, her daughter and our children, and we have the opportunity to us to happiness Ikea familiar principle of an inexperienced Russian woman to explain. After that we had in fact for all children in a bed and cupboards and a second run without landlord we could purchase additional household items such as bed linen and tableware at their own expense.
mixed Thus, in our apartment now Russian Schick (white leather sofa) with a familiar Scandinavian Design (pine bunk bed as a gymnastics facility for Julius).
the time of our collection was all over the warm Novosibirsk Water for two weeks off, but soon we could learn, which meant the promise of the landlord that it was a "warm" apartment: all year, so even in high summer temperatures of over 30 degrees, run in the two baths, the floor heating and the towel warmer at full speed, so that there sauna temperatures can be achieved. Showers bathroom door was open only halfway bearable ...
Even now, after the onset of the centrally controlled heating season in early October, we get the special warmth of this home felt. Although very well-insulated brick and vinyl windows, run the radiators Day and night with no brakes. A thermostat is not it just a little confidence-inspiring red screw that you could run from radiator to radiator. But here we are prohibited by the landlord of any regulation in the first few weeks, as in the whole of Siberia Heizniveau must be leveled. With an air temperature at 15 degrees, only the temperature control is through large windows. Well, the Siberian gas for us is so free!
The apartment is on the 5th Stock - unfortunately without a lift! This brings us daily exercise and beautiful views of the - not always beautiful - surrounding apartment blocks, often with fantastic sunrise and sunsets.
However, we feel really at home in the apartment and even welcomed the first guests!