thoughts about solution helps
Today it's back to the flow, or an issue that affects the flow in my opinion significantly. To illustrate what I am, I put the first question: why children play with so much sand? Why did they build so much with Lego blocks, the answer is: easy. Both are elements with a simple idea, which opens up many possibilities. The sand will also be combined with water, there is another variety is to be discovered possibilities. These opportunities to exploit their own imagination is the fascination of gambling. This knowledge can create with skillful application of a truly great game. Brilliantly simple and interesting as playing in the sand or Legosteinen.Ein my opinion good example of such a game is Gobliiins
: you have three characters, the first one can pick and use things, the second strikes, and climbs up on ropes, the third parties can enchant things or beings. Three figures with simple properties. These do vary in nature (level) to use different, as it depends on the object to which says the magician's magic, what emerges at the end of it. The puzzles are lösbar.Den Only the right combination of skills many different possibilities that are worth investigating, a beam is contrasted with life energy, which decreases every time if one of the dwarfs a "mistake" makes to conjure up such as a carnivorous plant, which is not passt.Zwar criticized the "dying" in Adventures often, I find this option in Gobliiins but an absolutely legitimate way, the game is not boring to be let, for failed level can be repeated quickly without error. Other innovations are simply brilliant as the Gravitygun in Half Life 2, with which one can wear around and throw things, or the gravitational fields in Prey, make it go suddenly from the ceiling or walls. This opens possibilities to the gameplay, thousands more who want to be identified and used. Besides, should also the interface to be as simple as possible and be done with the simplest functions of a variety of activities. The example also have the people at Lucas Arts recognized that use in their first games (Zack Mc cracking, Maniac Mansion) 15 verbs to interact, later 12 (Monkey Iceland 1), then 9 in Monkey Iceland 2 and Day of the Tentacle. In Sam and Max and Monkey Iceland 3, finally, they were limited to simple symbolism: mouth (eat, talk), hand (used to take), eye (look), which has already proved successful in other games (including in Gobliiins ). The possibilities in games should be limited only by the imagination of the player if the basic rules are once fixed.